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What Is NAD+?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is a coenzyme present in all cells of your body that serves to fuel metabolic reactions. Without NAD+, your cells would not be able to metabolize carbohydrates, fats and amino acids into ATP for symptoms of aging. NAD also plays a significant role in gene expression and repair of damaged DNA linked to age-related diseases.

NAD+ IV Therapy is an emerging vitamin therapy that has shown outstanding results. Administering a high dose of NAD+ straight into your bloodstream, compared to other routes (i.e. oral) will give you a faster, more effective outcome. This high dose quickly optimizes your NAD+ levels, which revs up the engines in your cells (called mitochondria) translating into more energy for you.

NAD+ Can Boost Metabolism

NAD+ and it’s reduced form, NADH are primarily used in “redox” reactions to generate energy within your cells. Part of this process includes recovery of electrons that are stored via NADH. When there is a deficiency of NAD+, the body’s metabolism of carbohydrates becomes inefficient, and blood sugar rises. As our cells start to metabolize the simple carbohydrates that are now abundant, there is an overload of NADH. This excess upsets the redox balance between NAD+/NADH leading to oxidative stress and a variety of metabolic consequences.

Diabetes is one of those conditions. When your body doesn’t have enough NAD+, or an overload of NADH, it won’t be able to activate sirtuins, which are enzymes important in metabolic maintenance. Studies have shown that mice with healthy sirtuin activity were less likely to become diabetic, and were at a decreased risk of fatty liver disease.

NAD+ Can Reduce Fatigue

Those who suffer from chronic fatigue battle with debilitating symptoms every day. It’s unclear exactly what causes chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), but mitochondrial dysfunction is a possibility. Conventional treatment may consist of a combination of antidepressants and sleep medication, but this method is like placing a bandage over an internal injury. IV NAD+ therapy addresses the core issue by supplying your body with the energy it needs to heal on a cellular level by promoting healthy mitochondrial regeneration. NAD+ increases production of ATP, which is the currency your cells use for energy.

NAD+ Can Maximize Brain Power

As “nootropics” become more popular, many people are looking to enhance their cognitive performance with natural supplements. NAD+ IV therapy is arguably the best brain restoration therapy out there. It increases the function of your neurons, protects your cells from damage, toxicity and death, and promotes neuronal mitochondrial biogenesis. Overall, if your brain is healthy and functioning at optimal levels, you’ll make better decisions, be more productive, and achieve more every day.

Cognitive decline is a common symptom of aging. Neurodegeneration describes the loss of structure or function of the brain cells, or neurons. Research is emerging about the neuroprotective effects of sirtuin enzymes in the brain. Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) in the hippocampus is has been linked with an increase in memory and learning in mice. Additionally, SIRT1 can protect against amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative disorders. SIRT1 is dependent on NAD+ and acts to protect your brain and neurons.

Most people who experience NAD IV therapy express the following brain benefits:

• Better focus and concentration
• Improved memory
• Increased mental clarity and reduced “brain fog”
• Improved mood and motivation

NAD+ Is Anti-Aging

Dr. David Sinclair and his colleagues at Harvard discovered that NAD+ levels decline as we age. A class of enzymes known as sirtuins play a large role in how the body ages by regulating inflammation and DNA protection. Sirtuins depend on NAD+ to regulate protective pathways that are linked to age-related diseases. In other words, sirtuins are able to “turn on” and “turn off” certain genes like a light switch. Inflammation causes damage to your DNA and other structures in your cells, which can lead to cell death. When we consume inflammatory foods, breathe in pollutants, or are exposed to other toxic chemicals, our cells are at risk. With healthy amounts of NAD, your cells are able to activate enzymes to prevent and correct DNA damage.