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Food Sensitivities: The FIT Test

By Christy Strouse

If you are someone like me who has suffered with chronic digestive issues, you have probably found yourself playing detective with your diet. No doubt, this has left you confused, frustrated, and without any clear direction. I understand! You may have considered food sensitivity testing, which can be tricky. Let me share my journey with you.

Ironically, I have studied health and nutrition for over 15 years, and yet, even I couldn’t cure my own health ailments. The reason for this? I wasn’t able to get the right tests, and therefore a diagnosis and treatment plan remained elusive.  As a dietitian, I knew that there were so many nutrition tests available that my conventional GI doctor was not ordering, but I was also very skeptical of them as well. I had seen a lot of the earlier data on food sensitivity testing, and quite honestly, I was not convinced they could provide reliable or accurate data.  Traditional IgG testing was responsible for a lot of false positives and scientists weren’t convinced that an IgG response alone was responsible for an adverse food reaction. If I couldn’t trust the test results, then how could I be confident in prescribing the right diet?

Whereas traditional food sensitivity testing relies only on IgG markers, the FIT test offered by KBMO Diagnostics promises to be different.  The FIT (Food Inflammation Test) measures sensitivities to 132 food antigens by looking at IgG antibodies and the immune complex C3D. In this way, it specifically looks at food antigens responsible for producing an inflammatory response.  I found the test to be affordable, but more importantly, my functional medicine doctor understood the strengths and weaknesses of the various food sensitivity tests.  Based on my unique symptoms, she used clinical judgement and determined that the FIT test would provide the most relevant and accurate information.

This brings me to another point about food sensitivity testing. It’s extremely important to have a good relationship with your physician, one that is built on trust and excellent communication. As with any testing, the FIT test is a tool that can provide helpful data so that your physician can make appropriate healthcare decisions in the context of your unique situation.  You can think of it as pulling back the curtains of a window for a glimpse into the mysterious world of human health and disease.  A solid relationship with your healthcare provider is key in helping to unlock the mystery of food sensitivities, and in more complicated situations, guidance from a dietitian or nutritionist is essential.

As advertised, the FIT test has been clinically shown to help patients with the following symptoms:

  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Bloating/Stomach Pain
  • Inability to lose weight
  • Impotence/Libido
  • Fatigue/Insomnia
  • Join Pain
  • Constipation/Diarrhea
  • Craving Sugar

Most patients I have worked with simply want an answer for the question “What should I eat?” More importantly, they want to know what foods they should avoid. They’ve often spent a lot of time, money and energy in order to feel better.  They work hard and deserve to feel better.

I was told that my test results would be available in approximately 2 weeks at which time I will review them with my physician. Along with the test results comes personalized meal plans and an App available on ITunes. Stay tuned for part 2: How to interpret FIT test results and more!

Christy is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & Certified Personal Trainer with OptimalSelf MD in Greenville, SC.